Tuesday, March 6, 2012


My last hour class was the first class to receive a 5/5!  They were on point today! They worked hard up until dismissal.  They didn't sigh when I explained that they had to complete both their class work and homework, for homework.  I hope they come back tomorrow with that same grit. 

I worked, after work from home today :(  I'm going to try my best to set myself up for success before leaving school tomorrow.  I didn't read as much as I would have liked to.  Didn't I tell you that I was a work in progress?  Well, now you know :)  I did purchase a book on writing outlines!  Outlining your Novel, by K.M Weiland.  It's was just $2.99 in the Kindle Store!  Gotta LOVE technology!  

One of my students told me that he had an excessive amount of paper in his book bag.  Word Choice!

Educationally Yours,

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