Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Gap [Not the Achievement]

So there was this cardigan left in my class for some time.  It was hanging on the back of my chair.  I asked a few people who looked like they shopped at The Gap, but nobody claimed it.  I put it in my closet one day while I was cleaning.  It was cold in my room yesterday and I forgot my blazer, so I went into the closet and got the cardigan.  I was casually walking down the hall, with my hands in the pocket, as if I've owned this thing for years!  I stopped and something told me to ask my boss if the cardigan I was so casually wearing belonged to her.  She went NUTS!  come to find out, she's been looking for it for MONTHS!  LOL

Educationally Yours,
A Wimpy COLD Teacher! 

From 50 cent, to 25 cent, to 15 cent

Today was a pretty good day.  I said stop talking about 98 times, sit down 3 times, and cracked up about a million times.  So one of my little friends said that another student said that he was going to shoot him.  Trust me, he wasn't serious at all.  However, the students said "If he shoots me, nothing is going to happen to me, because I have 9 lives like 50 cent".  I said BOY HUSH!  Then another student who was really shot before said, "I'm only 25 cent.  I got shot and I don't think I have 9 lives.  Really, I'm about 15 cent".  Then he looks at me and asked if I could take him to the court house to legally change his name.... I told him I'll think about (I spelled cent without the s on purpose)

I decided to let the kids rock out to some Beyonce and Justin Bieber (my fave) during our unit 3 assessment review.  I had to leave the room for a second.  I came back and the music was off.  I asked what happened and they told me that my co-worker turned it off.  I thought they got out of hand with the rocking out....or something.  Well, come to find out....Pandora plays these silly commercials now!  A BACARDI commercial came on.  GREAT!

A student was very candid about how she feels about us [teachers] today.  She had a few choice words for

We played an awesome game after work and was allowed to leave early! However, I was a wimp and stayed until my normal check out

Educationally Yours,
A Wimpy Teacher!