Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pork Chops and Applesauce

I didn't get a chance to write yesterday, because I was too busy researching illegal apartments.  I have reason to believe I'm living in an illegal apartment!!

Today we had not one, but two false alarms.   We were transitioning and the fire alarm went off.  I made the kids do an about-face to head down the stairs.  We were told that it was a false alarm just as we entered the stairwell. There was a sigh of relief in my heart, because it was raining outside.  The alarm went off again later in the day, and I said "is this real?"  I started to take kids out of math and led them to the stairwell...nope, false alarm.  I couldn't stop laughing!  I thought about the very first fire drill I experienced. I was in Kindergarden, and I was attending a school named Goldberg.  My teacher explained to the class that we were going to have a fire drill, and that it was NOT a real fire.  Well, just say fire to a bunch of 5 year olds and all they will hear is FIRE!  She also explained to us that we could not go to our lockers, because we had to get out of the building fast.  Well, that infamous fire alarm went off, and out came a bunch of screaming 5 year olds.  I of course attempted to get my things from my locker.  Our school was under contraction and there were ladders in front of our lockers.  I remember jumping through the ladder and screaming, while trying to get my coat.  I wonder what my teacher was thinking.  If she was anything like me, she wasn't very happy with the total chaos.  I'm proud of my handling the false alarm today!

Easel Weasel Bo-beasel....

We received easels this week.  An easel can make modeling a lesson with anchor charts so much easier.  I also received a 1 page email explaining how to use the easel...o_O

Is School Fun?

I question if we are creating this false sense of reality that school is "fun".  I'm on the fence when it comes to school being fun.  What is a kid's idea of fun?  Is school even apart of their scope of fun?  As teachers, we get caught between teaching standards and being able to have "fun".  School is much more interactive than it used to be, but I don't now about fun.  Lessons should be engaging and kids should be interacting in a shared learning model, but how much fun can we really incorporate?  I have to think about pacing, delivering, and assessing.  Where is the fun?  I'm going to think about this a little more, and deliver a better argument.....

Pork Chops and Applesauce

Can you say that like Bobby?  They added applesauce to today's snack.  They didn't have any extras, so I didn't get a snack :(

Educationally yours,