It has always been my dream to write a "book". I used to own a typewriter. This was when computers cost too much for every family to own one. I used to start a story line, then erase it with that erasing tape, start, erase, and eventually ran out of ribbon and erasing tape. So the thought started and ended there.
I thought about it again in college, but I had too many papers to write to think about writing for pleasure. So again, it started and ended there.
I never knew what kind of book I wanted to write. I just wanted to write a book. I became a teacher and it hit me. I want to write children's books! I love reading and modeling with books in my class. Reading and molding is my favorite part of teaching. I bet you thought repeating myself several times a day was my favorite part. HA! Last year, I was reading a book and thought "I would love to do voice overs for authors". Then I thought, "I would love to be an author, and do my own voice overs".
As a teacher, I have free access to my target audience. I get to see how children pick books, how they enjoy them, how they put them down, how they understand them, basically every thing they do as it relates to reading. I get to see them grow as readers, and I want to be apart of that growth.
I started blogging again, because I want to get used to writing EVERYDAY. My cousin published a book a few years ago. She begin writing, had a baby in the process, and still finished her book. I asked her how did she do it, and she told me that she had to write every single day in order to make it happen. So, here I am, writing every single day to make it happen. She gave me this advice six years ago, but I'm starting now :)
Where I am in the process: Deciding between Middle Grade Books and Young Adult Fiction
What I'm Reading: You Can Write Children's Books, by Tracey E. Dils
Thanks for Reading!
D. L. Stringer
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