Monday, March 26, 2012

What I learned from a SECOND grader!

I was teaching my class when somebody from the office staff told me to step out to meet my new student.  I thought to myself, "oh Lord, ANOTHER NEW student".  It was common in this particular district to get a new student in the middle of April, with less than two months left in the academic year.  Reluctantly, I went out and saw this the smallest second grader ever!  He was full of tears.  He was holding on to his mother's legs for dear life.  I introduced myself to him, and his mother told me his name.  He didn't speak a word.  I tell parents to leave crying kids, because the longer the stay, the more they cry.  I took him into the classroom, and showed him to his desk.  I went to my desk and I started working on something.  Did I mention I was a terrible teacher that year?  I don't even own a desk now.  About 10 minutes later, I hear some sniffling behind me.  I turned around, and it was HIM!!  I said, "you're STILL crying?"  How long are you going to cry.  He informed me until his mother came to pick him up.  I said OH NO BUDDY!  My principal knew that I was not going to let him cry ALL day.  I ended up tuning him out after a while.

Dismissal!  Yes, the cry baby is going HOME!  He returned the next day, still crying.  I asked him, "when was the last time you've been to school?".  He said, "a long time".  Well, a long time to a 7 year old could mean ANYTHING.  I said well, if I've been off work for "a long" time and had to go back, I'd probably cry too.  He finally stop crying long enough for me to test his reading.  Surprisingly, he was a GREAT reader!  He was breezing through each level with ease.  He didn't cry any more that day, but I was the only person he would talk to.   He was the most articulate second grader I ever met.  I thought he only spoke cry, but he spoke English very well.   The day ended and this time he gave me a hug and ran to his brother.

After about a week, his personality started to shine.  He was the most caring, respectful, happy, and excited second grader I knew.  He was happy to come to school once he realized it was "ok".  He was always excited and smiling showing off his missing front teeth.  He was excited when he saw his older brother, he was excited when he saw his younger brother, he was excited when he saw his mother, and he was even excited when he saw me.  I mentioned to his mother that he is always excited, and he really makes me smile. We both laughed about how he cried on his first day.  She mentioned that he's always  thankful for whatever she does.  She cooked eggs, and he'd say "YAY EGGS!!" 

Not only was my little cry baby excited and grateful, he was homeless.  At the end of the day, he went to a home that was provided for him.  He wore clothes that were donated to him.  But, he came to school every day with his head held high and a smile on his face.  

I think about him a lot when I have bad days.  I hope he's still that same happy little boy.  

Educationally Yours,

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