Monday, May 7, 2012

It's been a while!

A few weeks have come and gone since my last post.  I've been super tired and busy with testing for the last two weeks.  Testing weeks are always hard, because our kids have to take rigorous State Assessments, and still have their academic classes in the afternoon.  This means that I have to proctor tests all morning, then teach in the afternoon.  The kids brains are fried by the time they see me.

Do you believe in magic?  Maybe not, but our kids do!  You would be amazed at what kids still believe if you make them.  100% attendance during testing is a dream.  This means no make ups and all test are collected and returned.  Our school was fortunate enough to have very little make ups.  As I finished taking attendances, I realized that two of my students didn't come yet.  I told the others to give their desk some shine, and they'll show up and will be able to take their test.  They gave the desk some shine, and low and behold in walks one of the students. The kids eyes lit up like Christmas trees and looked at me with such amazement.  I had no idea that she would show up.  I just knew I needed to say something positive about her absence.  The other student walked in within the next 3 minutes.  Now, my kids believe that we have the power to help our classmates get to school when they are not there.

What else do the believe about me?  When I think about this journey, I realize that it is all magical. I teach kids things that they wouldn't otherwise know.  I give them hope when they don't have it.  I can also take that hope away IF I'm not using my powers positively.  I shape young minds and help them realize their potential.  My kids often surprise me with the things they can do.  We ask, "do THEY expect US to perform a miracle".  Then answer is now yes....  Our kids expect us to perform miracles, because they believe we can.

Educationally Yours,

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