Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Party of the YEAR!

Yesterday one of my students was severally distracted by playing with lanyard string.  I'm one of those teachers that throw things like this into the trash as soon as I find it.  I actually slam dunk it in the trash if you're playing with it while I'm TEACHING.  Needless to say, everything spiraled out of control after that.  She asked me for her lanyard at the end of the class, and I explained to her that I threw it in the trash.  She rushed out of my room in RAGE!  

The kids on my block love to talk to me and my dog.  Yes, they speak to my dog by name every time they see her.  I doubt if they even know my name.  One little boy informed me that he was selling lanyard.  He was selling it by the foot!  However, I had to explain to him that 6 feet of lanyard would be taller than me, so I doubt if it's that long.  He and another little girl that he was in competition with wanted to cut me a deal on how much I could buy for less.  His selling point was that his was already made.  Her selling point was that I might not like his design, and I could make my own with hers.  I was AMAZED.  These kids were really selling this lanyard.  I actually thought about what would be the be option for me.  I don't know how to start it, so I went with the pre-made option.  I decided that I was going to purchase both.  I put my dog in the house and came back out with 4 singles.  My plans was to give both of them $2.  Well, according to one boy, the girl got so frustrated, that she went in the house.  So that left the boy to make all of the money.  I gave him the $2, he gave me the "cobra", and I took the rest to the bodega to get ice cream...a small cup of Haagen Daz.  

The Middle School Dance!

The dance was a big hit!  The kids were SO EXCITED!  The DJ played all of their favorite songs....mine too! I told the DJ that he was great, but not to quit his day job, because I'm not so sure he could be replaced!  We had the typical "too cool for school" dudes standing on the wall.  However, a lot of the kids actually danced. They got cool favors, snacks, and to hang out with their friends.  This done all in the name of READING!  As we teach students that reading is a life long necessity, we should encourage them to set goals for their reading, and give incentives when they meet those goals.  Students don't like reading, because the feeling it's "boring".  However, reading can be fun when they have something to look forward to.  We worried all week that the kids would think the school dance would be lame.  However, I know this will be the number one topic of conversation tomorrow.  I suggested we have a dance every Friday!

Educationally Yours,

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